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芝加哥大学香港分校校园今天开幕 | 耗时超两年时间打造古迹校舍JoffreLab

DATE : 12 / 2018 | V: 912
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芝加哥大学香港分校校园今天开幕 | 耗时超两年时间打造古迹校舍



Joffre求府国际教育2008年于芝加哥创立,是一个为留学美国学生定制专属活动,让其在收获独特经历的同时, 丰富申请材料,以进入理想学府的高端教育机构。










芝加哥大学(The University of Chicago),简称“芝大”(UChicago),位于美国国际金融中心芝加哥,是世界著名私立研究型大学、常年位列各个大学排行榜世界前十 。


2018-19年度,芝加哥大学位列US News美国大学本科第3。




校园建在Mount Davis历史上重要的遗址上,其中包括香港赛马会芝加哥大学遗产校园住宿香港赛马会芝加哥大学遗产庭院和口译中心将于12月向公众开放。它将展示永久性和旋转的展品,向公众展示该场地的历史。

The University of Chicago is pleased to celebrate the official opening of the Hong Kong Jockey Club University of Chicago Academic Complex | University of Chicago Francis and Rose Yuen Campus in Hong Kong with a series of events taking place on November 30-December 2, 2018.

Our new campus strengthens and deepens the University’s engagement in Hong Kong, serving as a regional hub for the University’s engagement in Asia and a destination for convening our academic, corporate, and government partners in the region. It will also facilitate important collaborations between faculty, researchers, and students, and foster connections to the University’s other Centers in Beijing, Delhi, & Paris. The Hong Kong Jockey Club University of Chicago Heritage Campus will engage the public through tours, cultural programs, and exhibitions highlighting the unique history of the Mount Davis site and demonstrating the University’s commitment to the support of and integration with the Hong Kong community.

The new Campus is located at:

168 Victoria Road, Mount Davis Hong Kong

Heritage and Community Programming Events

On Sunday, December 2nd, all facilities will be open to the public for tours and a series of conversations on the history and heritage of the Mount Davis site.



Facilities open for public exploration and docent-led tours

Tours (approx. 30 minutes) run every 20 minutes starting at 9:40am. The last tour will begin at 4:40pm.
Registration is on site on a first-come-first-served basis.

A featured art exhibit will include a set of woodcut prints created by Chinese artists during WWII depicting wartime Yan’an. Presented to an American soldier as a token of appreciation by the Chinese, the prints were privately held by the soldier’s family until recently being released for public view. The prints were donated to The Chinese University of Hong Kong by Professors Patricia and Thomas Ebrey, both University of Chicago alumni, and the exhibit is curated by Josh Yiu, Director of the Art Museum at The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

A featured literary exhibit will display the work of two University of Chicago professors who distinguished themselves in the difficult art of translation: David Tod Roy (1933 – 2016) and Anthony C. Yu (1938 – 2015). David Roy devoted nearly thirty years of his life to interpreting the vast and scandalous novel Jin Ping Mei or The Plum in the Golden Vase. Anthony Yu first learned about Xiyou ji from his grandfather as his family fled the Japanese bombardment. The first volume of his translation of the novel, Journey to the West appeared from the University of Chicago press in 1977 and the last in 1983.

10:30am-12:00pmPanel Discussion on Architecture and Conservation of the Mount Davis Site

Moderator: David Fithian - Executive Vice President, The University of Chicago
Venelin Kokalov - Design Principal and Principal-in-Charge, Revery Architecture
Puay Peng Ho - Head of the Department of Architecture, School of Design and Environment, National University of Singapore; Adjunct Professor, Department of Architecture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Lynne DiStefano - Adjunct Professor and Former Director, Architectural Conservation Programmes, The University of Hong Kong; Former Chief Curator, Museum London; Founding President, Hong Kong Institute of Architectural Conservationists
12:30-2:00pmPanel Discussion: "From Citadel to Campus" (Chinese)

Joseph Ting - Founding Director, Hong Kong Museum of History
Tim-Keung Ko - Historian in Residence
2:30-4:00pmPanel Discussion: "From Citadel to Campus" (English)

Moderator: Kenneth Pomeranz - University Professor of Modern Chinese History and Faculty Curator, Heritage Interpretation Centre, The University of Chicago
Elizabeth Sinn - Author; Honorary Professor, Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong
Chi-Pang Lau - Professor, Department of History, Lingnan University
Chi Man Kwong - Assistant Professor, Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University









Joffre求府国际教育2008年于芝加哥创立,是一个为留学美国学生定制专属活动,让其在收获独特经历的同时, 丰富申请材料,以进入理想学府的高端教育机构。











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